My perfect day

Practice thesis statement, tone, precise language, action verbs, sensory details, and appropriate modifiers. 

My perfect day would include three things. Being with the people I love and love the most. Do my favorite activities. And finally, not having any pending obligation. Those three things would make up my perfect day and the one where I would have the best time without a doubt.

Being with the people I love the most would be the most important thing for me. Because they are the ones who make my life meaningful and worthwhile. Whenever I am with these people, they make me feel happy and make that day become the best in the world, just by being there with me. Also, they manage to remind me that the most important thing is to know how to value people and not material things. Because I know that they will always be there with me and they will always seek to support me.

On the other hand, I am also doing my favorite activities. And even better if it is with those people, I love the most. Those activities can be from something as simple as spending time with my friends or doing my favorite sport. One of the most that comes to mind is doing Ballet because it is quite relaxing for me and always manages to make me happy no matter what is happening in my life. I can also add spending time with my parents because with them we always make jokes and laugh, I just manage to be happy.

And finally, we could add not having any obligation or pending task. Because whenever I do the things I enjoy, I have the pressure that I have something to do. And if we consider that I am a person who gets stressed very quickly, having something pending can make me no longer enjoy the day and have a bad time. It is for this reason that this aspect would be very important to me to have a great time and have fun to the fullest.

In conclusion, for me, the most essential thing to spend a perfect day is to be with those who love me the most and have a good time without having any worries. Because more in these times one appreciates friends and family more than material things. Because you never know when you can lose them, and you know that a person is irreplaceable.

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